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PRENEURology, Global
Our Experiences
We believe in the power of innovation and entrepreneurship to transform student’s lives through their traditional educational settings.
It's never too late to share your talents,
reinvent your career, or develop your
own personal brand. That's why we've
adopted our core experiental program
for the adult who is looking to build a
new business idea or embark a new
career path. During the 1-2 day immer-
sive live experience, adult students
learn entrepreneurial principles and
skills needed to thrive in an accelerated
global economy and the Future of Work.
After completing the Future of Work
Accelerator, participants have the
opportunity to enroll in our IncYOUbator,
where they'll work one-on-one with PFC's,
or PRENEURology Facilitation Coaches,
through a 4-6 week hybrid course to get
their ideas and new career off the ground cul-
minating in a live pith experience. This
combines Preneurology principles with real
connections and industry exposure. Our
participants say this experience is truly
It's never too late to share your talents,
reinvent your career, or develop your
own personal brand. That's why we've
adopted our core experiental program
for the adult who is looking to build a
new business idea or embark a new
career path. During the 1-2 day immer-
sive live experience, adult students
learn entrepreneurial principles and
skills needed to thrive in an accelerated
global economy and the Future of Work.
Future Accelerator EDU
The Future Accelerator EDU is a curated 1-3 day training experience designed to focus on empowering educators to use Innovation and PRENEURology, to engage, and prepare, their students for the Future of Work and beyond. Educators get to work in a immersive innovation environment and experience personal mindset transformation while building a toolbox to become agents of innovation in the classroom and beyond.
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